Monday, October 13, 2008


petang 2,aku tengah lepak2 dam minum2 bersama si DUA,TIGA dan EMPAT.(macam biase)..
at that time jiwa aku macam terganggu sikit cause i have a fight with my boyfriend..
nak kate fight sangat xboleh jugak sebab we just ignored each other..
for the first time in our relationship,die kate die da tawar hati dgn relationship ni..
i couldn't accept could he? his words are killing me n made me burst into tears. kat public.but i don't care. i'm hurt n deeply wounded.. he said that he needs to be first aku terlalu sedih,kecewa n marah.perasaan tu bercampur aduk.
kitorang da 4 years bayangkanlah macam mane kitorang nk separate? my tears keluar macam air hujan,aku xdapat control lansung.xtahan sangat2.lepas 2 hujan terus turun dgn lebatnye. terima kasih.

"hujan dan airmata bersatu dalam irama ciptaan si pecinta mahal" - TANPANAMA SATU

at that night, i called him up tp no reply.after thousands trials,baru la de answer.
he said he was busy."busy"..cliche kn?
then i let my heart out pasal pe yang aku rasa lepas die cakap bnda tadi semue.
and aku rase puas sangat3. fuh...relieved.

i dont really want to talk about the fight n all cause this time i really want to be positive.i want him to respect me. i know n sure that he love me so damn much and he couldn't live without me.
aku akan tunggu tapi aku akan tunggu secara bermaruah. no more drama n no more pujuk rayu and all.hopeless 2 semue. i want to get real.because im a real girl.

"simpan kenangan, abadikan roman.." -TANPANAMA SATU

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